Temperature switches

For each application the right temperature switch

Temperature switches are used in a variety of industrial and technical processes. If a preset temperature is reached, then the temperature switch opens or closes a corresponding switch contact. Depending on the requirements, mechanical or electronic switches can be used. In WIKA's broad product range, you will find the right temperature switch for every application.

What are positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistors?

The resistance of PTC thermistors increases as the temperature increases. Accurate up to 932°F (500°C), these reliable temperature sensors are used in the chemical industry and other high-heat applications.

How does a resistance thermometer work?

The electrical resistance of a resistance thermometer's sensor changes with the temperature. As the resistance of measuring resistors to EN 60751 (2009-05) increases with rising temperature, we refer to it as PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficie ...
