SF6 Equipment Repair, Recalibration, and Maintenance

Comprehensive services for equipment that handle insulating gases

WEgrid Solutions, a subsidiary of WIKA, has a calibration lab right in the greater Atlanta region for the power transmission and distribution (PT&D) industry. In addition, our fully trained staff can handle any repairs and maintenance related to instruments that monitor the density and quality of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and alternative insulating gases. The service is professional and friendly, the turnaround time is fast, and the work is certified and guaranteed.

SF6 equipment recalibration

By analyzing gas quality and detecting leaks, gas density equipment ensure that the insulating gas inside medium- and high-voltage switchgear is pure enough and in sufficient quantity to properly quench electrical arcs. To maximize safety and performance, gas density indicators, sensors, monitors, and switches should be calibrated regularly, depending on hours of use.

WIKA offers two gas-density calibration systems: the ACS-10 and the BCS10. Both portable units are effective for fast and easy recalibrations in your lab, workshop, or field site.

For those who prefer to have trained technicians carry out the recalibrations, you can count on WIKA USA’s calibration lab and repair shop in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Our certified lab technician can also recalibrate and adjust SF6 measuring instruments at your location. Regardless of where the work is done, you will receive a valid factory certification for each recalibrated instrument.

SF6 equipment repair and maintenance

Keeping your SF6 test instruments in good condition is another key to safety. WEgrid offers three types of repair and maintenance services:

  • WEgrid Guided Solution – Your employees carry out the service on your equipment – all while a WIKA service technician talks them through the process remotely. Ideal for minor issues.
  • WIKA calibration lab – Mail your gas density instruments to our facility in Lawrenceville. The average turnaround time is two weeks after receiving approval for the recommended repair. Ideal for any quantities and types of issues.
  • Onsite service call – A fully trained WIKA technician can come to your location to repair or perform maintenance on your SF6 testing instruments. Ideal for larger and/or more complicated maintenance and repair services.

Certified personnel for SF6 gas handling instruments

Our calibration and repair technicians have completed certification programs in compliance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2066, which ensures strict adherence to the standards for handling fluorinated gases. They also have significant experience in the PT&D industry, allowing them to troubleshoot technical issues and provide expert guidance on monitoring SF6 and other insulating gases.

Contact WEgrid Solutions for more information about fast, reliable, and cost-effective services for your SF6 gas handling equipment.