The multi-functional intelliGAUGEs present a cost-effective and, at the same time, reliable solution for nearly all pressure measurement applications. They combine the analogue indication of a mechanical pressure gauge, needing no external power, with the electrical output signal of a pressure sensor. These hybrid instruments are available with all commonly used electrical signals. The sensor works in a non-contact way, without any influence on the measuring signal. Many of the instruments can be delivered in accordance with ATEX Ex ia. For pressure gauges with nominal sizes 100 and 160 mm, the electrical output signals can also be combined with switch contacts. In addition to Bourdon tube, diaphragm and capsule pressure gauges with output signal, WIKA also offers absolute pressure gauges with output signal and also differential pressure transmitters and differential pressure gauges with output signal.
The model DPGT40 differential pressure transmitter from WIKA is a differential pressure gauge with integrated working pressure indication and output signal. As soon as a signal transmission is required and, at the same time, a differential pressure should be readable on site, the DELTA-trans of the DELTA-line product family is used. In addition to the differential pressure, the DELTA-trans differential pressure transmitter with output signal can also display the working pressure with the aid of the integrated working pressure indication.
What function does the Hall sensor provide in an intelliGAUGE or intelliTHERM instruments?
The magnetic field that affects the Hall sensor comes from a moving permanent magnet that is arranged at a fixed distance from the Hall sensor. Thus, the angle of rotation of the permanent magnet in relation to the Hall sensor can be measured. In i ...