- Modele": [A-1200]
IODD-Package for A-1200 (psi) with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (1035 KB) - Modele": [UPT-20, UPT-21]
PDM Install Package
ZIP (602 KB) - Modele": [A-1200]
IODD-Package for A-1200 (kg/cm2) with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (931 KB) - Modele": [FLM-CA, FLM-CM]
Configuration software K-Prog
ZIP (312 KB) - Modele": [UPT-20, UPT-21]
AMS Install Package
ZIP (499 KB) - Modele": [CPT6140, CPT6100, CPT6180]
CPT6XX0 - Serial Driver
ZIP (71 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31]
Pressure transmitter (USB) – Additional Instructions
PDF (78 KB) - Modele": [CPC4000, CPC8000, CPC8000-H, PU-H, CPG2500, CPD8500, CPC6050, CPC7000, CPT6020 Barometer, CPT6020]
UART Bridge Virtual COM Port driver (VCP) - V6.7.5
UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers are required for device operation as a Virtual COM Port to allow host communication with the controller. After successful installation, the device should appear as: CP210x USB to UART Bridge Controller (COM #).Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (v6.7.5) For Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista, 7, CE 5.0/CE 6.0, Linux 2.6.x and 2.4.36, Mac OS X.
ZIP (9795 KB) - Modele": [PSD-4]
IODD-Package for PSD-4 (psi) with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (4097 KB) - Modele": [PSD-4-ECO]
IODD-Package for PSD-4-ECO (psi) with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (3568 KB) - Modele": [A-1200]
IODD-Package for A-1200 (bar, kPa, MPa) with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (930 KB) - Modele": [CPG1000]
Interface driver
System requirements: Windows® XP, 7
ZIP (1999 KB) - Modele": []
Device DTM HART® - V2.1
ZIP (7244 KB) - Modele": [DMSU21SA]
ZIP (12817 KB) - Modele": [GDM-RC-100-T, GDHT-20, GDT-20, GDM-100-T, GD-20]
ZIP (4450 KB) - Modele": [PSA-31]
IODD-Package with IO-Link
ZIP (656 KB) - Modele": [CPG1500, CPG1200, DMK1200, DTK1X00]
Configuration software WIKA-DCS - V2.3.3
For configuration and download of all logger files
ZIP (6794 KB) - Modele": [PSD-4-ECO]
IODD-Package for PSD-4-ECO (bar, kPa, MPa) with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (3238 KB) - Modele": [PSD-4]
IODD-Package for PSD-4 (kg/cm2) with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (3661 KB) - Modele": [PSD-4-ECO]
IODD-Package for PSD-4-ECO (kg/cm2) with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (3240 KB) - Modele": [PSD-4]
IODD-Package for PSD-4 (bar, kPa, MPa) with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (3660 KB) - Modele": [UPT-20, UPT-21]
UPT-2x DTM Setup
ZIP (15127 KB) - Modele": [TSD-30]
IODD-Package with IO-Link
ZIP (823 KB) - Modele": [PGT10 USB]
Visualization software for intelliGAUGE®
Systemrequirements: 1 GHz CPU, 256 MB RAM, Windows® XP, 7
ZIP (8964 KB) - Modele": [UPT-20, UPT-21]
ZIP (372 KB) - Modele": [CTH6200]
Configuration software ConfigSoft - V3.2
Ręcznie ZIP (6607 KB) - Modele": [GA11]
Firmware Upgrade SF6 PicoMODA9
Please check the hardware version in your instrument settings (system -> system information -> HMI board: 20) in order to select the suitable firmware.
ZIP (72047 KB) - Modele": [TR34, TR21-A, TR21-B, TR21-C, T16, TR30, PU-548, TR33, T15, TR31, T24, T38]
Configuration software WIKAsoft-TT Drop-In Version - V2.1.0.142
For digital Temperature transmitter
ZIP (51066 KB) - Modele": [CTR3000]
Interface driver
System requirements: Windows®
KSR HART® Set-up
For the models FLM-T, FLM-CM, FLM-CA and BLM
ZIP (1058 KB) - Modele": [GA11]
Firmware Upgrade N2 PicoMODA9
Please check the hardware version in your instrument settings (system -> system information -> HMI board: 20) in order to select the suitable firmware.
ZIP (70185 KB) - Modele": [T53]
ZIP (37 KB) - Modele": [990.49, 990.48, 990.60, 990.50, 990.41, 990.36, 990.35, 990.34, 990.30, 990.29, 990.28, 990.27, 990.26, 990.24, 990.23, 990.22, 990.52, 990.53, 990.18, 990.19, 990.20, 990.21, 990.17, 990.15, 990.12, 990.10, 970.10, 970.11, 970.12, 981.10, 981.22, 981.52, 981.53, 981.18, 981.19, 981.20, 981.21, 981.27]
Oprogramowanie do kalkulacji separatorów membranowych, Wersja 2022.01; Wymagania systemowe Windows® XP, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10
ZIP (1109 KB) - Modele": [GA11]
Firmware Upgrade g3 PicoMODA9
Please check the hardware version in your instrument settings (system -> system information -> HMI board: 20) in order to select the suitable firmware.
ZIP (70837 KB) - Modele": [T53]
ZIP (4 KB) - Modele": [D-10-7, D-11-7]
Plik GSD do D-1x-7 PROFIBUS® DP
ZIP (1 KB) - Modele": [T53]
plik CFF Fieldbus FOUNDATION
ZIP (68 KB) - Modele": [MHC-1]
EDS file CANopen - V1.0
ZIP (3 KB) - Modele": [D-20-9, D-21-9]
Plik EDS do D-2x-9 CANopen®
ZIP (3 KB) - Modele": [T42.10]
plik dib PROFIBUS PA
BMP (1 KB) - Modele": [T42.10]
plik PROFIBUS PA Wersja 4.2
GSD (1 KB) - Modele": [PU-H, T32.xS]
T32.xS HART® DTM - V2.1.0.325
ZIP (6738 KB) - Modele": [T32.xS]
HART® DD (Device Description)
ZIP (699 KB) - Modele": [TR34, TR21-A, TR21-B, TR21-C, T16, TR30, TR31, PU-548, TR33, T15, T24, T38]
Configuration software WIKAsoft-TT for digital temperature transmitter - V2.1.0.142
ZIP (5599 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31, MHC-1]
Driver for P-30, MHC-1 CAN-Interface - V3.6.3
System requirements: Windows® 11
ZIP (3132 KB) - Modele": [PU-H, T32.xS]
oprogramowanie konfiguracyjne do cyfrowego przetwornik temperatury [V1.51]
EXE (2293 KB) - Modele": [T53]
T53 Device DTM Fieldbus Foundation-File
ZIP (2068 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31]
Driver for P-30 Service-Interface - V2.8 System requirements: Windows® 11
ZIP (1497 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31]
Driver for P-30 USB - V11.2.0
System requirements: Windows® 10 (64 bit version), 11
ZIP (278 KB) - Modele": [T12]
oprogramowanie konfiguracyjne do cyfrowego przetwornika temperatury [V1.42]
ZIP (2044 KB) - Modele": [D-10-7, D-11-7]
Communication software EasyCom PROFIBUS® - V1.0.1
System requirements: Windows® 2000, XP
ZIP (313 KB) - Modele": [GA11]
SFQA Measurement Viewer Linux - V1.23
Display and report generation for data files generated by type GA11 "SF6-Q-Analyzer"; System requirement: Ubuntu version 12.04 LTS or newer
GZ (217 KB) - Modele": [CPH6400, CPH6000, CPT6000, CTH6200, CPU6000-W, CPU6000-S, CPU6000-M, CPT2500]
Interface driver
System requirements: Windows®XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
ZIP (11595 KB) - Modele": [GA11]
SFQA Measurement Viewer Win32 - V1.23
Display and report generation for data files generated by type GA11 "SF6-Q-Analyzer"; System requirement: Windows® XP to 7
ZIP (14482 KB) - Modele": [PU-H]
Device DTM for IPT and DPT HART, PROFIBUS PA, FF-BUS - V1.163
ZIP (36585 KB) - Modele": [PU-H]
Device DTM UniTrans PA - V1.0.2
ZIP (6394 KB) - Modele": [PU-H]
Device DTM UniTrans HART® - V1.4.44003
ZIP (5708 KB) - Modele": [T53]
Device DTM PROFIBUS PA - V1.11.1001
ZIP (8445 KB) - Modele": [CPC4000, CPH6400, CPC8000-H, CPT6020, CPC2000, CPB3500, CPG-KITH, CPB3800HP, CPG2500 Barometer, CPG2300 Barometer, CPT6100 Barometer, CPT6010 Barometer, CPG2400 Digital Barometer, CPB5000, CTR1000, CPC8000, CPG2300, CPH6000, CPT6000, CPG2500, CPH7000, CPT6100, CPT6180, CPG-KITP, CPU6000-W, CPU6000-S, CPU6000-M, CPB5000HP, CPD8500, CPA2501, CPG2400, CPG1500, CPB3800, CPT2500, CPC6050, CPC7000, CPA8001, CPB5800, CTI5000, CPH65I0, CPG1000, Pascal ET, Pascal 100, CPH7600, WIKA-Cal, CPG1200, DMK1200, DTK1X00]
Calibration software WIKA-Cal - V2.13.0 System requirements: Windows®10, 11; Recommendation: Before updating the software, please perform a database backup to avoid possible data loss.
ZIP (9415 KB) - Modele": [PU-H]
Device DTM Generic HART® - V2.0.11
ZIP (5576 KB) - Modele": [PU-H]
Comm DTM HART® CW - V1.0.17
ZIP (7031 KB) - Modele": []
Instrument Software V1.31.0
This software installer is used to upgrade a new CPG2500’s software to the most recent version. The download is for the latest instrument with removable sensors.
ZIP (1411 KB) - Modele": [UPT-20, UPT-21, PU-H, IPT-20, IPT-21, LH-20, DPT-10, T32.xS, DMSU21SA, LF-1, FLM-S, FLM-T, FLM-P, BLM, IPT-10, IPT-11, T53, DMSU22SA, DPT-20, OTMT84, OTMT85, FLM-Tx-FLEX, FLM-TB, FLM-TH]
PACTware SP2 - V5.0
ZIP (51495 KB) - Modele": [CPC3000]
Instrument software - V2.14.0
The CPC3000 software upgrade installer is used to upgrade a new CPC3000’s software to the most recent version.
ZIP (1076 KB) - Modele": [PSD-30, PSD-31]
IODD-Package with IO-Link
ZIP (656 KB) - Modele": [CPC6000]
Instrument software - V2.70.0
The software upgrade installer for the CPC6000 is used to upgrade a new CPC6000’s software to the most recent version. The Download includes the latest version, and the older version 1.70. Your CPC6000 will automatically detect and install the correct version.
ZIP (1487 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31]
Interface-DLL - V4
System requirements: Windows® 10 (64 Bit version), 11
ZIP (4953 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31]
Data logger USB - V1.1.4
System requirements: Windows® 10 (64 Bit version), 11
Ręcznie ZIP (4432 KB) - Modele": [MHC-1]
EasyCom J1939 - V1.1.2
System requirements: Windows® 7, 10 (64 Bit version)
Ręcznie ZIP (1858 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31]
Pressure transmitter (CANopen) - Additional instructions
PDF (647 KB) - Modele": [MHC-1]
Pressure transmitter for mobile hydraulic applications (CANopen) - Additional instructions
PDF (375 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31, D-20-9, D-21-9, MHC-1]
Communication software EasyCom CANopen® - V3.1.7
System requirements: Windows® 10 (64 bit version), 11
Ręcznie ZIP (4644 KB) - Modele": [CPC8000-H, CPC8000]
LabView VISA Driver V8.5
ZIP (2297 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31, D-10, D-11]
Configuration software EasyCom - V2011.2.1.3
System requirements: Windows® 10 (64 Bit version), 11
Ręcznie ZIP (7738 KB) - Modele": [CPC8000]
Instrument software - V2.3.0
The software upgrade installer for the CPC8000 is used to upgrade a new CPC8000's software to the most recent version.
ZIP (8023 KB) - Modele": [CPD8500]
Calibration software for the Environmental Measurement Module (EMM) - V1.0.0
This software is used to communicate with the EMM to facilitate the calibrate of the environmental parameters. (Test)
Ręcznie ZIP (3989 KB) - Modele": [CPD8500]
LabView Driver - V2017
ZIP (1186 KB) - Modele": [CTR3000]
Instrument software - V1.4.4.93131
To upgrade the CTR3000 software to the latest version, please store the two files on a USB stick (for further details see the operating instructions of the CTR3000).
ZIP (12024 KB) - Modele": [CPG1000]
Instruction manual for data logging software
PDF (523 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31]
EDS file CANopen (until 05/2018) - V1.3
ZIP (567 KB) - Modele": [P-30, P-31]
EDS file CANopen (from 06/2018) - V1.4
ZIP (573 KB) - Modele": [T32.xS]
T32.xS HART® DD - AMS integration file
ZIP (112 KB) - Modele": []
Configuration software ConfigSoft - V3.6
MSI (4376 KB) - Modele": [CPA8001]
ZIP (7627 KB) - Modele": [CTR3000]
LabView Driver - V2017
ZIP (243 KB) - Modele": [CPT2500]
Configuration and evaluation software USBsoft2500 (x86) - V1.4
For USB pressure sensor CPT2500 with USB adapter CPA2500
MSI (7192 KB) - Modele": [DSSA11SA]
IODD package for DSSA11SA with IO-Link
Ręcznie ZIP (2375 KB) - Modele": [AMS01]
Firmware AMS01 V1.11.0.0
Please find installation instructions in the operation instructions
ZIP (710 KB) - Modele": [T38]
HART® FDI package V01.02.00.
ZIP (755 KB) - Modele": [FLM-Tx-FLEX, FLM-CM, FLM-H]
Configuration software WIKA-DCS - V2.3.3
For configuration and download of all logger files
ZIP (6794 KB) - Modele": [DSSA11SA]
PDF (887 KB) - Modele": [ACS-10]
Firmware Upgrade V5.0
Copy the contents of the unzipped folder onto a USB stick and then insert it into the port of the ACS-10. Start/restart device. As soon as the user interface appears, the update was successful and the stick can be removed.
ZIP (67455 KB) - Modele": [CPC8000-H]
Instrument software - V2.1.0
The software upgrade installer for the CPC8000-H is used to upgrade a new CPC8000-H's software to the most recent version.
ZIP (8233 KB) - Modele": []
ZIP (5819 KB) - Modele": [AMS01]
Configuration Tool AMS01 V1.8.0
AMS01 Configuration Tool operates only on Microsoft Windows operating system, with at least Windows 10 64-bit
EXE (15856 KB) - Modele": [T38]
T38 DTM Setup 1.0.24003
EXE (4672 KB) - Modele": []
Configuration software WIKA-DCS - V2.3.3
For configuration and download of all logger files
ZIP (6794 KB) - Modele": [CPD8500]
Instrument software - V1.4.0
The software upgrade installer for the CPD8500 is used to upgrade a new CPD8500's software to the most recent version.
ZIP (2860 KB) - Modele": [CPG1500]
Driver for CPG1500 USB
System requirements: Windows® 11
ZIP (25944 KB) - Modele": [MH-4-CAN]
EDS file CANopen®
ZIP (3 KB) - Modele": [CTR5000, CTR6500, CTH7000, CTR2000, CTR6000]
Windows data logging Software ULog
For temperature calibration instruments CTH7000, CTR2000, CTR5000, CTR6000, CTR6500
Ręcznie ZIP (6647 KB) - Modele": [CPT2500]
Configuration and evaluation software USBsoft2500 (x64) - V1.4
For USB pressure sensor CPT2500 with USB adapter CPA2500 System requirements: Windows® XP, Vista
MSI (7648 KB)