- Modele: [IPT-20, IPT-21]
Process transmitter, Profibus PA
- Modele: [CPH7000]
Przenośny kalibrator procesowy
- Modele: [IPT-20, IPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, 4 ... 20 mA, HART®, SIL
- Modele: [TP-TO]
Termometr manometryczny gazowy odległościowy
- Modele: [TR30]
Resistance thermometer, compact design
- Modele: [CPG1500]
Precyzyjny manometr cyfrowy
- Modele: [TC59-R]
REFRACTO-PAD® tubeskin thermocouple assembly
- Modele: [TC59-X]
XTRACTO-PAD™- zespół termopary typu tube-skin
- Modele: [GDM-100-TI-D]
Gas density monitor
- Modele: [T42.10]
- Modele: [CPH7000]
Reference pressure sensor, model CPT7000-IS
- Modele: [FLM-S, FLM-T, FLM-P]
Przetwornik poziomu
- Modele: [DPGT40]
Różnicowe przetworniki ciśnienia
- Modele: [CPT9000 Barometer, CPT9000]
Premium Pressure Transducer
- Modele: [CPG1000]
Precision digital pressure gauge
- Modele: [CPT6020 Barometer, CPT6020]
Precision Pressure Transducer, Basic Version
- Modele: [GDI-100-D]
Precision gas density indicator
- Modele: [PXS, PXA]
Pressure switches
- Modele: [TXS, TXA]
Temperature switches
- Modele: [IPT-20, IPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, Foundation Fieldbus
- Modele: [A-AI-1, A-IAI-1]
Attachable indicator, Ex version
- Modele: [GDM-100, GDM-100-CV]
Gas density monitor
- Modele: [LF-1]
Submersible pressure sensor
- Modele: [CPH7650]
Przenośny kalibrator ciśnienia
- Modele: [111.20+EM]
- Modele: [TR12-A, TR12-B, TR12-M, TC12-B, TC12-M]
Resistance thermometers and thermocouples Intrinsically safe designs, Ex d (ATEX, INMETRO)
- Modele: [TR21-C, TR21-B, TR21-A]
Miniature resistance thermometer for sanitary applications
- Modele: [PSD-10]
Przełącznik ciśnienia z wyświetlaczem
- Modele: [CPP7-H]
Pneumatic hand test pump
- Modele: [PSA-31]
Elektroniczny przełacznik ciśnienia z wyświetlaczem do aplikacji sanitarnych
- Modele: [HP-1]
Przetwornik ciśnienia do pomiaru najwyższych ciśnień
- Modele: [WP]
- Modele: [CPP7000-X]
Comparison test pump for 0 ... 7,000 bar
- Modele: [APA, APA10, APW, APW10]
Absolute Pressure Switch
- Modele: [113.53]
Manometr standardowy z wypełnieniem glicerynowym
- Modele: [GFU10]
Stacja do napełniania gazu
- Modele: [GA11]
Analizator jakości izolacji gazowej
- Modele: [IS-20-F, IS-20-S, IS-21-F, IS-21-S]
Iskrobezpieczny przetwornik ciśnienia
- Modele: [A-AS-1, WUR-1, NWUR-1]
Wyświetlacz przyłączalny
- Modele: [CPB5800]
Prasa manometryczna
- Modele: [BCS10]
Calibration system for SF6 gas density measuring instruments
- Modele: [IPT-20, IPT-21, DPT-EL]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, secondary sensor
- Modele: [T32.30, T32.10]
Information on functional safety, Temperature Transmitter T32.x0
- Modele: []
Manometr do pomiaru ciśnienia sprężania w silnikach spalinowych
- Modele: [PU-448]
Konfigurator dla przetworników temperatury i termometrów rezystancyjnych
- Modele: [HP-2]
Przetwornik ciśnienia do pomiaru najwyższych ciśnień
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-11 ceramika, 4-20mA/HART
- Modele: [T12]
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-1x ceramics, FF-Bus
- Modele: [GA35]
Emission monitor for SF6 gas
- Modele: [MO]
Ciśnieniomierz tablicowy odległościowy
- Modele: [DI35]
Digital indicator for panel mounting with multifunction-input (Typ DI35-M)
- Modele: [CPP7000-X]
Comparison test pump
- Modele: [DI32-1]
Wyświetlacz cyfrowy
- Modele: [C-2]
Pressure transmitter for air compressors
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-1x metallics, 4-20mA
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-1x external display
- Modele: [IPT-20, IPT-21, DPT-EL]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, secondary sensor, SIL
- Modele: [IPT-20, IPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, 4 ... 20 mA, HART®
- Modele: [T32.30, T32.10]
Temperature transmitters
- Modele: [T53]
Configuration Manual for FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus
- Modele: [CPH6600]
Hand-Held pressure calibrator
- Modele: [CPB3800]
Dead-weight tester in compact design
- Modele: [CPB3800HP]
Wersja na wysokie ciśnienie
- Modele: [A-10]
Przetwornik ciśnienia do ogólnych zastosowań przemysłowych
- Modele: [DE, DEC, DC, DCC]
Compact Differential Pressure Switches
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-1x metallics, 4-20mA/HART
- Modele: [CPH7000]
Reference pressure sensor, model CPT7000
- Modele: [M60, M60P]
Wskaźnik ciśnienia pojedynczy i podwójny do pomiaru ciśnienia powietrza i oleju w pojazdach samochodowych
- Modele: [GFU08-B, GFU08-C, GFU08-E, GFU08-W]
SF₆ gas filling cart
- Modele: [WP100-3, WP100-2]
Wskaźnik podwójny i potrójny pomiaru ciśnienia i temperatury w ciągnikach rolniczych
- Modele: [LSD-30]
Elektroniczny przełącznik poziomu z wyświetlaczem
- Modele: [DP-10]
Różnicowy przetwornik ciśnienia
- Modele: [CPP700-H, CPP1000-H]
Ręczna pompa testowa
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-1x ceramics, Profibus-PA
- Modele: [32]
Termometr maszynowy
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-1x ceramics, 4-20mA
- Modele: [CPC7000]
Pneumatic high pressure controller
- Modele: [FSD-3]
Flow switch
- Modele: [D-10, D-11, P-10, P-11]
Precyzyjny przetwornik ciśnienia z interfejsem RS232
- Modele: [O-10]
Pressure sensor
- Modele: [GA33]
Multiplexer for emission monitor
- Modele: [P-30, P-31]
Pressure transmitter for precision measurements
- Modele: [PSD-30, PSD-31]
Przełącznik ciśnienia z wyświetlaczem
- Modele: [TGR+EM, TGRO, TGRO+EM, TGR]
- Modele: [CTD9100-1100]
Temperature dry-well calibrator
- Modele: [PG43SA-S, PG43SA-C]
Pressure gauge for sanitary applications
- Modele: [CEP6100]
Documenting multi-function calibrator
- Modele: [CED7000]
High-Precision Process Calibrator
- Modele: [111.20]
Manometr standardowy o podwyższonej wytrzymałości
- Modele: [CPC3000]
Pneumatic high-speed pressure controller
- Modele: [CPH8000, Pascal 100]
Multichannel calibrator
- Modele: [DI35]
Digital indicator for panel mounting, with two inputs for standard signals (model DI35-D)
- Modele: [A52, R52]
Termometry bimetaliczne do ciepłownictwa, wentylacji i klimatyzacji, wersja ze stali nierdzewnej
- Modele: [SA-11]
Pressure transmitter for sanitary applications
- Modele: [PSM05, PSM04, PSM06]
OEM compact pressure switch
- Modele: [CTH6300, CTH63I0, CTH6500, CTH65I0]
Intrinsically safe hand-held thermometer
- Modele: [PSM-530]
Pressure switch, heavy-duty version, TPST
- Modele: [TR34]
Miniature resistance thermometer (Ex i)
- Modele: [ELS]
Float switch with external chamber
- Modele: [LH-10]
High-performance submersible pressure transmitter
- Modele: [CTB9100, CTD9100, CTM9100-150]
Kalibrator temperatury z suchym otworem pomiarowym, mikrokąpielowy kalibrator temperatury, kalibrator wielofunkcyjny
- Modele: [F2822]
Tension/compression force transducer Pancake
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-1x display, adjustment module
- Modele: [70-8xx, 70]
Termometr rozszerzalnościowy
- Modele: [LH-20]
Safety instructions FM
- Modele: [CTH7000]
Hand-held thermometer
- Modele: [T53]
Configuration Manual for PROFIBUS® PA
- Modele: [111.22]
Manometr przemysłowy do pomiaru czynników o temperaturze do 200°C
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-1x metallics, FF-Bus
- Modele: [CPH8000, Pascal ET]
Multifunction calibrator (ATEX)
- Modele: [A-AI-2]
Attachable indicator for transmitter with switch contact
- Modele: [311.10]
Manometr kontrolny
- Modele: [CPB5000HP]
Wysokociśnieniowa prasa manometryczna
- Modele: [IPT-10, IPT-11]
IPT-1x metallics, Profibus-PA
- Modele: [CPP7]
Hand test pump
- Modele: [TR57-M]
Pipe surface resistance thermometer, miniature design
- Modele: [TR75]
Termometry rezystancyjne z wyświetlaczem cyfrowym, zasilanie bateryjne
- Modele: [TW61]
Thermowell for sanitary applications
- Modele: [632.51]
Manometr puszkowy, stal nierdzewna, modele 632.50 i 633.50 wg ATEX
- Modele: [T32.xS]
Instrukcja dotycząca bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego
- Modele: [PSM-520]
Przełącznik ciśnienia, do zastosowań przemysłowych
- Modele: [PG23HP-S, PG23HP-P]
Bourdon tube pressure gauge
- Modele: [TF35]
Threaded thermometer with plug connection
- Modele: [TF37]
Threaded thermometer with connection lead
- Modele: [DI10]
Digital indicator
- Modele: [TF44]
Strap-on thermometer with connection lead
- Modele: [TFT35]
Compact temperature transmitter
- Modele: [FLS]
Magnetic float switches Ex i
- Modele: [WUC-10, WUC-15, WUC-16]
Ultra high purity transducer, standard and Ex nA ic version
- Modele: [A-1200]
Pressure sensor
- Modele: [CS6S, CS6H, CS6L]
Universal controller for panel mounting
- Modele: [SC58]
Temperature controller with digital indicator
- Modele: [CPH62I0, CPT6200, CPT62I0]
Reference pressure sensor, model CPT62I0
- Modele: [IPT-20, IPT-21]
- Modele: [S-10]
Pressure transmitter for general applications
- Modele: [CPP4000-X]
Pompa hydrauliczna testowa
- Modele: [CPA8001]
Pressure controller air data test set
- Modele: [FLS]
Wyłącznik pływakowy
- Modele: [BLR]
Czujnik kontaktronowy do wskaźników poziomu typu bypass
- Modele: [TR31]
OEM miniature resistance thermometer (Ex i)
- Modele: [IL-10]
Intrinsically safe submersible pressure transmitter
- Modele: [CPC8000]
High-precision pressure controller
- Modele: [S-11]
Flush diaphragm pressure transmitter
- Modele: [CPC2000]
Portable low-pressure controller
- Modele: [UPT-20, UPT-21]
Process transmitter
- Modele: [TG53, TG54]
Termometr bimetaliczny, wersja procesowa
- Modele: [TF40]
Duct temperature sensor
- Modele: [CPT6140]
- Modele: [CPC8000-H]
- Modele: [CPC4000]
- Modele: [T15]
Digital temperature transmitter, head mounting or rail mounting version
- Modele: [FLR-F, FLR-S, FLR-P, FLR-H, FLR-SC]
Czujnik poziomu
- Modele: [TR12-A, TR12-B, TR12-M, TC12-A, TC12-B, TC12-M]
Termometr rezystancyjny i termopara
- Modele: [OLS-F1, OLS-C05, OLS-C04, OLS-C02, OLS-C01, OLS-5200]
Optoelectronic level switches
- Modele: [A43, A51, A50, A48, A46, 45]
Termometry bimetaliczne do stosowania w technice grzewczej, wentylacyjnej i klimatyzacyjnej
- Modele: [F4801, F4802, F4883, F4884, F4818, F4882, F4881, F4885]
Single point load cells
- Modele: [DPGS43.100, DPGS43.160, 632.51+8xx, 736.51, PGS23.100, PGS23.160, PGS26.100, PGS26.160, 532.53+8xx, 432.36+8xx, 432.56+8xx, PGS21.100, PGS21.160, DPGS43HP.100, DPGS43HP.160, 232.35, 736.51+8xx, PGS43.100, PGS43.160, PGS23.063]
Pressure gauges with switch contact model 821, 851 or 830 E: Magnetic snap-action, reed or electronic contact
- Modele: [PCA, PCS]
Compact Pressure Switches
- Modele: [TIF50, TIF52]
Przetwornik temperatury HART® w obudowie polowej
- Modele: [SWT52G, SWT52S, TW81, TW70, TW31, TW35, TW30, TW20, TW22, TW60, TW55, TW50, TW45, TW40-D, TW40-E, TW40, TW25, TW10-B, TW10-S, TW10, TW10-P, TW15]
Osłony termometryczne
- Modele: [F9204]
Wire rope force transducer
- Modele: [DIH50, DIH52]
Wyświetlacz w obudowie polowej do pętli prądowych z komunikacją HART®
- Modele: [IV10, IV11, IV19, IV1A, IV1B, IV1N, IV3, IV5, IV2]
Zawory odcinające i zblocza zaworowe
- Modele: [F5802]
Load pin, rated force up to 10.000 kN
- Modele: [T32.xS]
Digital temperature transmitter with HART® protocol, head- and rail mounting
- Modele: [TC10-L, TR10-L]
Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, flameproof enclosure ignition protection type (Ex d)
- Modele: [CPH62I0]
Intrinsically safe hand-held pressure indicator
- Modele: [MW, MA]
- Modele: [PGT43.100, PGT43.160, PGT23.063, PGT23.100, PGT23.160, DPGT43HP.100, DPGT43HP.160, DPGT43.100, DPGT43.160, PGT43HP.100, PGT43HP.160, APGT43.100, APGT43.160, PGT63HP.100, PGT63HP.160]
Pressure gauges with output signal, optional for hazardous areas
- Modele: [111.11, 111.31, DPGS43.100, DPGS43.160, 632.51+8xx, PGS23.100, PGS23.160, PGS26.100, PGS26.160, 532.53+8xx, 432.36+8xx, 432.56+8xx, 131.11, PGS21.100, PGS21.160, DPGS43HP.100, DPGS43HP.160, 232.35, PGS43.100, PGS43.160, PGS23.063]
- Modele: [PG43SA-D]
Pressure gauge with integrated diaphragm monitoring
- Modele: [DA, DA10, DW, DW10]
Differential Pressure Switches
- Modele: [IPT-20, IPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, 4 ... 20 mA
- Modele: [UTN]
- Modele: [A2G-60]
Electronic ventilation duct temperature sensor for ventilation and air-conditioning
- Modele: [SW15, SB15]
Safety temperature limiter and safety temperature controller
- Modele: [TC59-V]
V-PAD® tubeskin thermocouple assembly,
- Modele: [CPH6000, CPT6000]
Pressure calibrator, standard version
- Modele: [RLS-6000, RLS-5000, RLS-3000, RLS-2000, RLS-1000]
Float switch
- Modele: [PU-548]
Programming unit for temperature transmitter and resistance thermometer
- Modele: [CS4R]
Temperature controller for rail mounting
- Modele: [CTH6300, CTH63I0, CTH6500, CTH65I0]
Ręczny kalibrator temperatury
- Modele: [DIH10, DIH10-Ex]
Connection head with integrated digital display module
- Modele: [DIH10, DIH10-Ex]
Connection head with integrated digital display module per ATEX (Ex i)
- Modele: [F2303, F2301, F23C1, F23S1, F2304]
Tension/compression force transducer
- Modele: [CPH7600]
Portable pressure calibrator, Wally Box III
- Modele: [A2G-50]
Przetwornik ciśnienia różnicowego
- Modele: [CPC6000]
- Modele: [TFS135]
Bimetal temperature switch
- Modele: [A-AI-1, A-IAI-1]
Attachable indicator with LCD, for pressure transmitters, standard version
- Modele: [PSM-550]
Przełącznik ciśnienia, wersja na wysokie obciążenia, do zastosowań przemysłowych wyższego rzędu
- Modele: [712.15.160, 732.15.160]
Manometr różnicowy, opcjonalnie dla obszarów niebezpiecznych
- Modele: [73, 74, 74-8xx, 75]
Termometr gazowy
- Modele: [TCA, TCS]
Kompaktowy przełącznik temperatury
- Modele: [TF45]
Insertion thermometer with connecting cable
- Modele: [TGT70]
Expansion thermometer with electrical output signal, stainless steel version
- Modele: [TC90]
High-pressure thermocouple
- Modele: [TF43]
Insertion thermometer for refrigeration technology
- Modele: [TFS35]
Bimetal temperature switch
- Modele: [T32.xS]
Informacje na temat bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego przetwornika temperatury, wersja 2.2.3 i 2.3.1 (Aktualna wersja - ważne od 10/2017)
- Modele: [TF41]
Ambient temperature sensor
- Modele: [CTD9300]
Kalibrator temperatury z suchym otworem pomiarowym
- Modele: [PSM-700]
Przełącznik ciśnienia, ustawialny przełącznik różnicowy, do procesów przemysłowych
- Modele: [LS-10]
Submersible pressure transmitter for level measurement, standard version
- Modele: [F9846]
Strain transducer up to 1,000 με
- Modele: [F7301, F73C1, F73S1]
Tension links, models F7301, F73C1, F73S1
- Modele: [F3301, F33C1, F33S1]
Bending beam/shear beam
- Modele: [GDM-100-TI, GDM-100-TA]
Gas density monitor
- Modele: [DPGS40TA]
Differential pressure gauge with micro switches, with component testing
- Modele: [OTMT84, OTMT85, T53]
Fieldbus temperature transmitter
- Modele: [BA, BAX, BWX]
- Modele: [PSD-4-ECO]
Przełącznik ciśnienia OEM z wyświetlaczem
- Modele: [DPS40, DPG40, DPGS40]
Manometry różnicowe
- Modele: [113.53]
Manometr wg dyrektywy 94/9/EC (ATEX)
- Modele: [TR10-B]
Resistance thermometer per EN 14597
- Modele: [OT-1]
OEM pressure transmitter with thin film technology
- Modele: [GD10-F, GD10-F2, GD10-C, GD10-L]
Gas densitiy transmitter
- Modele: [CTR3000]
Multi-functional precision thermometer
- Modele: [432.50, 433.50, 432.56, 432.36]
Manometr, model 4, NS 100 i NS 160 wg normy ATEX
- Modele: [TR31]
OEM miniature resistance thermometer
- Modele: [CPT6100, CPT6180, CPT6100 Barometer]
Precyzyjny przetwornik ciśnienia
- Modele: [SLS]
Suspended float switch
- Modele: [DG-10]
Manometr cyfrowy
- Modele: [732.31, 733.31, 732.51, 733.51, 732.14, 762.14]
Pressure gauge model 7, NS 100 and NS 160 per ATEX
- Modele: [CTH6200]
Ręczny kalibrator temperatrury
- Modele: [732.31, 733.31, 732.51, 733.51]
Kompaktowy manometr różnicowy PN 40
- Modele: [A2G-15, A2G-10]
Manometry różnicowe,air2guide P i air2guide p+E
- Modele: [MSA]
Magnetic switch
- Modele: [T16]
Digital temperature transmitter, head mounting or rail mounting version
- Modele: [GDHT-20, GDT-20]
- Modele: [GPD-1000]
Gas presence detector
- Modele: [CPH6200]
Ręczny kalibrator ciśnienia
- Modele: [CPG500]
Manometr cyfrowy
- Modele: [CPH6400]
Precision hand-held pressure indicator
- Modele: [532.52, 532.53, 532.54]
Manometr, model 5 wg ATEX
- Modele: [TGT73]
Termometr gazowy z elektrycznym sygnałem wyjściowym
- Modele: [F-20, F-21]
Pressure transmitter with field case
- Modele: [A2G-65]
Termostat przeciwzamrożeniowy
- Modele: [A2G-25]
Air flow meter
- Modele: [A2G-52]
Dual differential pressure sensor
- Modele: [A2G-20]
Air velocity meter
- Modele: [A2G-45]
Electronic differential pressure switch with display
- Modele: [A2G-40]
Differential Pressure Switches
- Modele: [A2G-100]
PID controller for the control of air flows or differential pressures
- Modele: [A2G-05]
Differential pressure gauge Eco
- Modele: [TR25]
In-line resistance thermometer, intrinsically safe designs (Ex i)
- Modele: [BNA]
Wskaźnik poziomu Bypass
- Modele: [TR31]
OEM miniature resistance thermometer, Ex i (INMETRO)
- Modele: [TR33]
Miniaturowy termometr rezystancyjny
- Modele: [IS-3]
Pressure transmitter (ATEX, IECEx, FM, CSA)
- Modele: [TR34]
Miniature resistance thermometer per directive 179:2010 (INMETRO)
- Modele: [F3831, F3833]
Bending beam/shear beam
- Modele: [CPH6300]
Hand-Held Pressure Indicator
- Modele: [DPT-10]
Przetwornik różnicy ciśnień, 4 ... 20 mA
- Modele: [DPT-10]
Różnicowy przetwornik ciśnienia, 4 … 20 mA, HART®
- Modele: [DPT-10]
Przetwornik różnicy ciśnień, Foundation Fieldbus
- Modele: [DPT-10]
Przetwornik różnicy ciśnień, Profibus PA
- Modele: [PSD-4]
Pressure switch
- Modele: [TC59-W]
WELD-PAD tubeskin thermocouple assembly
- Modele: [216.06.050, 216.40.050, 131.11, 130.15, 113.13, 111.16, 111.26, 111.11, 111.31]
Pressure gauges, NS 40, 50, 63
- Modele: [S-20]
Wysokiej jakości przetwornik ciśnienia do ogólnych zastosowań przemysłowych
- Modele: [TR22-A, TR/TC, TC55, TR50, TC50, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR55, TR81, TC81, TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TR40, TR53, TC53, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-J, TR22-B, TR95, TC95, TC10-C, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR20, TR11-H, TR60, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR10-K, TR41, TR25, TC10-K, TR10-0, TC10-0, TC85, TC40]
Termometry rezystancyjne i termopary
- Modele: [73, 74]
Additional information for hazardous areas (ATEX)
- Modele: [TC84]
Sapphire-design thermocouple for high-temperature measurements with safety chamber (Ex e)
- Modele: [TR21-A, TR21-B, TR21-C]
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (ATEX, IECEx, CSA, NEPSI)
- Modele: [UPT-20, UPT-21]
Additional information for hazardous areas (INMETRO)
- Modele: [TG53, TG54]
Dodatkowe informacje dotyczące obszarów zagrożonych wybuchem
- Modele: [55]
Additional operating instructions for hazardous areas (ATEX)
- Modele: [CPA2501]
Air data test indicator
- Modele: [CPG2500 Barometer, CPG2500]
Precision Pressure Indicator
- Modele: [LH-20]
Safety instructions CSA
- Modele: [T24]
Anologowy, programowalny przetwornik temperatury
- Modele: [PG23CP, 232.30, 233.30, 232.50, 233.50, 262.50, 263.50, 262.30, 263.30]
Manometr model 2 NS 63 wg dyrektywy ATEX
- Modele: [CPC6050]
Pressure controller, modular version
- Modele: [712.15.100, 732.15.100]
Cryo Gauge, differential pressure gauge, NS 100, optional for hazardous areas
- Modele: [TR21-A, TR21-B, TR21-C]
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (INMETRO)
- Modele: [TR95, TC95, TR60, TR50, TC50, TR10-C, TR10-J, TR20, TR55, TR81, TC81, TC90, TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TR40, TR53, TC53, TR10-A, TR10-B, TC10-C, TR10-D, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR10-K, TR22-B, TR22-A, TR41, TC55, TC40]
Resistance thermometers and thermocouples Intrinsically safe designs, Ex i (INMETRO)
- Modele: [TR95, TC95, TR60, TR50, TC50, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR20, TR55, TR81, TC81, TC90, TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TR40, TR53, TC53, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-J, TC10-C, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR10-K, TR22-B, TR22-A, TR41, TC55, TC40]
Dodatkowe informacje dotyczące obszarów niebezpiecznych, Ex i (ATEX, IECEx)
- Modele: [CS4H, CS4L]
Temperature Indicating Controller
- Modele: [T31.10]
- Modele: [DI25]
Wyświetlacz cyfrowy
- Modele: [DI15]
Wyświetlacz cyfrowy
- Modele: [UT-10, UT-11]
Universal transmitter for various applications
- Modele: [CS3S]
Temperature Indicating Controller
- Modele: [A-RB-1]
Digital indicator for panel mounting with input for standard signals
- Modele: [M-10, M-11]
Miniature pressure transmitter
- Modele: [T42.10]
Temperature Transmitter
- Modele: [IUT-10, IUT-11]
Uniwersalny przetwornik ciśnienia do zastosowań w strefach niebezpiecznych
- Modele: [D-20-9, D-21-9]
Pressure transmitter (CANopen) - Additional instructions
- Modele: [DI30]
Digital indicator for panel mounting with input for standard signals
- Modele: [CPP1000-M, CPP1000-L]
Ręczna pompa z trzpieniem obrotowym dla zakresu 0 ... 1000 bar
- Modele: [CF1M]
Temperature Indicating Controller
- Modele: [A-RD-1]
Compact Indicator, 4-digit
- Modele: [TR225, TR227]
Resistance Thermometers
- Modele: [990.16, 990.49, 990.48, DSS27T, DSS34T, DSS10T, DSS18T, DSS26M, DSS26T, DSS22T, DSS19F, DSS27M, DSS34M, DSS10M, DSS22P, DSS22F, DSS18F, 990.60, 990.51, 990.50, 990.41, 990.36, 990.35, 990.34, 990.31, 990.30, 990.29, 990.28, 990.27, 990.26, 990.24, 990.23, 990.22, 990.52, 990.53, 990.18, 990.19, 990.20, 990.21, 990.17, 990.15, 990.12, 990.10, 983, 981.51, 970.10, 970.11, 970.12, 910.27, 910.60, DMS-FP, DMS34, DMS27, 990.45, 910.19, 910.20, 910.23, 981.10, 981.22, 981.52, 981.53, 981.18, 981.19, 981.20, 981.21, 981.27, DSS19T]
Systemy separatorów membranowych
- Modele: [T91.30]
Analog temperature transmitter, fixed measuring range, rail mounting
- Modele: [CPP30]
Pneumatyczna ręczna pompa testowa
- Modele: [821, 831, 830E, 851]
- Modele: [E-10, E-11]
Pressure transmitter (ATEX, IECEx, EACEx)
- Modele: [T91.10, T91.20]
Analogue temperature transmitter, fixed measuring ranges, head mounting, for Pt 100 / thermocouples
- Modele: [891.34.2189.100, DPGT40]
Differential pressure transmitter DELTA-trans
- Modele: [702.01.100, 702.02.100, 851.02.100]
Differential pressure gauges
- Modele: [PG23CP, 232.30, 233.30, 232.50, 233.50, PG23LT, PG28, 262.50, 263.50, 262.30, 263.30, 232.36, 233.36, PG23HP-P, PG23HP-S]
Pressure gauge NS 100 and NS 160 per ATEX
- Modele: [55]
Termometr bimetaliczny
- Modele: [TAG, TWG]
Temperature switches
- Modele: [CPH8000, Pascal ET]
Hand-held multifunction calibrator
- Modele: [PG21BP-1, PG21BP-2, 232.34, 233.34, 632.50, 633.50, 611.13, 732.31, 733.31, 732.51, 733.51, 232.30, 233.30, 716.05, 213.53, 111.10, 111.12, 232.50, 233.50, 732.14, 762.14, 432.50, 433.50, 113.53, 532.52, 532.53, 532.54, 736.51, 716.11, 736.11, 711.12, 713.12, 731.12, 733.02, PG23LT, 612.20, 612.34, 632.34, 633.34, 432.56, 432.36, 422.12, 423.12, 212.20, 213.40, 232.36, 233.36, 432.25.2, 611.10, 631.10, 610.20, 630.20, 632.51, 262.50, 263.50, 262.30, 263.30, 214.11, 234.11, 222.30, 223.30, 232.35, 612.11, PG21DPB, PG21HD, PG21PB]
Mechaniczne urządzenia do pomiaru ciśnienia
- Modele: [CPC8000]
Pressure controller, high-end version
- Modele: [910.21]
Pre-volume deflagration flame arrester
- Modele: [DPGS40, DPGS40TA, DPS40, DPGT40]
Additional information for hazardous areas (Ex i)
- Modele: [DSS10T, 990.40, 990.35, 981.27, 981.51, 990.31, 990.23, 990.18, 990.19, 990.20, 990.21, 990.15, 990.51, 990.26, DSS26T, DSS18T, 990.50, 990.41, 990.28, 990.17, DSS34T, DSS22T, DSS27T, 990.60, 990.36, 990.34, 990.30, 990.29, 990.27, 990.22, 990.52, 990.53, 990.12, 990.10]
Additional information for hazardous areas Diaphragm seals with built-in flame proof throttle
- Modele: [PG43SA-S]
Additional information for hazardous areas
- Modele: [990.36, DSS22T, DSS19F, DSS22F, 990.15, 990.60, 910.60, DSS27T, DSS18F, 990.48, DSS26T, DSS34T, DSS10T, DSS18T, DSS26M, DSS27M, DSS34M, DSS10M, DSS22P, 990.16, 990.49, DMS-FP, DMS34, DMS27, 990.27, 990.41, 990.35, 990.50, 990.40, 990.31, 990.18, 990.19, 990.20, 990.21, 990.51, 910.27, 990.17, 981.51, 910.19, 910.20, 910.23, 970.10, 970.11, 970.12, 981.10, 981.18, 981.19, 981.20, 981.21, 981.27, 983, 990.12, 990.10, 990.22, 990.52, 990.53, 990.24, 990.23, 990.26, 990.28, DSS19T, 990.29, 981.22, 981.52, 981.53, 990.34, 990.30]
Additional information, diaphragm seal systems in hazardous areas
- Modele: [232.50, 233.50, 312.20, 332.50, 333.50, 311.11, 331.11, 342.11, 332.30, 333.30, 332.11]
Informacje dodatkowe dotyczące manometrów ze śrubą blokady transportowej
- Modele: [DPG40]
Dodatkowe wskazówki dotyczące stosowania w obszarach zagrożonych wybuchem (Ex h) opcją ATEX
- Modele: [73, 74, 232.30, 233.30, 232.50, 233.50, 55, 312.20, 332.50, 333.50, 332.30, 333.30, 213.40, 432.56, 432.36, 432.50, 433.50, 213.53, PG23CP, 232.36, 233.36, 212.20, 262.50, 263.50, 262.30, 263.30]
Additional information for pointers, for NS 63, 100 and 160 pressure gauges and dial thermometers
- Modele: [FLM-S, FLM-T, FLM-P, BLM]
Level transmitter FFG-T, BLM-TI (EACEx)
- Modele: [BLR]
Reed sensor for bypass level indicators (FM)
- Modele: [FLM-S, FLM-T, FLM-P, BLM]
Level transmitter FFG-BP (BLM), FFG-P (FLM) (EACEx)
- Modele: [HLS-S, HLS-P]
Magnetic float switches HLS-S (Н) (EACEx)
- Modele: [BLM]
Level sensor magnetostrictive BLM-SF-FM (FM)
- Modele: [LGG, LGI]
- Modele: [UTN]
Top-mounted level indicator
- Modele: [LGG]
Szklany wskaźnik poziomu
- Modele: [FLM-S, FLM-T, FLM-P, FLM-H]
Float level Transmitter FFG-T (ATEX)
- Modele: [FLM-S, FLM-T, FLM-P, FLM-H]
Level sensor magnetostrictive FFG-T
- Modele: [FLR-S, FLR-P, FLR-H]
Level sensor reed with FM approval
- Modele: [FLS]
- Modele: [FLS]
Magnetic float switches with FM approval
- Modele: [FLS]
Magnetic float switches Ex i (EAC)
- Modele: [BGU]
Magnetic switch for BNA (FM)
- Modele: [BNA]
Bypass level indicator with magnetic display, Ex version (EAC)
- Modele: [BNA]
Wskaźnik poziomu typu Bypass
- Modele: [BGU]
Przełącznik magnetyczny typu Bypass
- Modele: [TR221, TR223]
Resistance Thermometers
- Modele: [890.09.2190]
Differential pressure transmitter
- Modele: [PGS11.040, PGS11, PGS21, PGS21.050, PGS10]
Pressure gauges with switch contacts
- Modele: [MH-3-HY]
OEM pressure sensor
- Modele: [MH-1]
OEM pressure transmitter for mobile hydraulic applications
- Modele: [CS4S]
Temperature controller for mounting into control panels
- Modele: [CPB3000]
Pressure balance
- Modele: [STW15]
Expansion thermometer, exhaust gas temperature controller
- Modele: [PG21BP-1, PG21BP-2, 213.53, 212.20, 213.40]
Operating instructions, model 2, brass alloy
- Modele: [PGS05, PGT21, PGS25, PGS07, PGT10, PGT11, PGT01, PGS06]
Pressure gauge with electrical output signal and pressure gauge with electronic pressure switch
- Modele: [D-10-7, D-11-7]
Pressure transmitter with Profibus® DP interface
- Modele: [700.01, 700.02]
Differential pressure gauge with magnetic piston and with magnetic piston and separation diaphragm
- Modele: [IS Barrier]
Intrinsically safe barrier
- Modele: [D-20-9, D-21-9]
Pressure transmitter with CANopen
- Modele: [S-20]
Safety manual on functional safety
- Modele: [F9302]
Strain transducer
- Modele: [RLT-3000, RLT-1000, RLT-2000]
Level sensor with reed measuring chain
- Modele: [GLS-1000]
Float switch
- Modele: [GA11]
Analytic instrument for determining the quality of insulated gases (N2 gas)
- Modele: [IUT-10-5]
Universaltransmitter für explosionsgefährdete Bereichen mit PROFIBUS PA
- Modele: [PS-21, PS-20]
Pressure switch
- Modele: [PGT15]
Bourdon tube pressure gauge with stepped electrical output signal
- Modele: [GD-20]
Gas density sensor
- Modele: [HLS-S, HLS-P]
Magnetic float switch for horizontal installation
- Modele: [Hydra-Gauge]
HYDRA-Line Pressure Gauge for Ultra High Purity (UHP) liquid chemicals
- Modele: [T19]
Analogue temperature transmitter, configurable measuring range, for Pt100 sensors, head and rail mounting
- Modele: [F2221, F2226, F2220]
Tension/compression force transducer with external thread
- Modele: [MH-2]
OEM pressure transmitter with thin film technology for mobile hydraulic applications
- Modele: [WU-10, WU-15, WU-16]
Ultra high purity transducer with and without side access
- Modele: [F1125, F1135, F1115, F1106, F1101, F1119, F1136, F1102]
Hydraulic compression force transducers
- Modele: [CTD4000]
Temperature dry-well calibrator
- Modele: [CPB5000DP]
Differential pressure balance
- Modele: [CPT6030]
Analog pressure transducer
- Modele: [F-10]
Pressure Transmitter with Field Casing
- Modele: [WUS-10]
Ultra High Purity pressure switch
- Modele: [OTMT84, OTMT85]
Temperature transmitter, model OTMT84
- Modele: [UT-10, UT-11]
Unitrans indicator module
- Modele: [D-10-9, D-11-9]
Pressure transmitter with CANopen interface 2.0
- Modele: [FLM-S, FLM-T, FLM-P, BLM]
Float level transmitter
- Modele: [CPU6000-W, CPU6000-S, CPU6000-M]
- Modele: [IS-20-F, IS-20-S, IS-21-F, IS-21-S]
Safety-related data for intrinsically safe pressure transmitter with SIL 2 (Additional instructions)
- Modele: [AC-1]
Pressure transmitter for refrigeration and HVAC applications
- Modele: [Hydra-Sensor]
HYDRA-Line Pressure transducer for ultra high purity (UHP) liquid chemicals
- Modele: [HD 3000]
Hand Spindle Pumps for 0 ... 3000 bar bzw. 0 ... 5000 bar
- Modele: [CPP1000-X, CPP1600-X]
Comparison test pump for 0 ... 1,600 bar
- Modele: [R-1]
Pressure transmitter for refrigeration and HVAC applications
- Modele: [CPP120-X]
Pneumatic comparison test pump
- Modele: [EGS80]
Digital limit switch
- Modele: [CTD9100-ZERO]
Temperature dry well calibrator
- Modele: [D-10-9, D-11-9]
Pressure transmitter with CANopen interface 1.0
- Modele: [TR70]
Electronical temperature switch
- Modele: [SH-1]
Pressure transmitter for high pressure applications (quasistatic)
- Modele: [CEP1000]
Precision loop calibrator
- Modele: [WIKA-Cal]
Instruction manual for WIKA-CAL calibration software
- Modele: [HD 250]
Test pumps for 0 ... 250 bar or 0 ... 1000 bar
- Modele: [MCTH-1]
OEM pressure sensor module with ceramic thick film technology
- Modele: [GDM-063]
Gas density monitor
- Modele: [CPB5000]
Pressure balance
- Modele: [SD-10]
Pressure transmitter according to DESINA
- Modele: [MH-4]
Pressure sensor
- Modele: [GDS-RC-HV]
Gas density switch with reference chamber
- Modele: [432.55]
Pressure gauge for sanitary applications
- Modele: [CTR5000]
Precision Thermometer with an accuracy of 0.01 K
- Modele: [MG-1]
Pressure transmitter for medical gases
- Modele: [Hydra-Dry]
HYDRA-Line Pressure transducer with dry ceramic sensor for ultra high purity (UHP) liquid chemicals
- Modele: [GDM-RC-100]
Gas density monitor with reference chamber
- Modele: [C-10]
Pressure transmitter Compact
- Modele: [CEP6000]
Hand-held multi-function calibrator
- Modele: [CEP3000]
Hand-held temperature calibrator
- Modele: [F2812]
Tension/compression force transducer with external thread
- Modele: [54_twintemp]
Combined bimetal thermometer
- Modele: [702.01.100, 702.02.100, 851.02.100]
Differential pressure gauges directive 94/9/EG (ATEX)
- Modele: [CTR5000]
Precision thermometer with an accuracy of 0.005 K
- Modele: [ELMS1]
Overload protection - Multifunctional safety switching device for cranes whose stability is not endangered
- Modele: [OC-1]
OEM pressure transmitter with ceramic thick film technology
- Modele: [892.34, 891.34]
Transmitter to combine with pressure gauges
- Modele: [HYDRA-Indicator]
HYDRA-Line Digital indicator with switch points for model Hydra-Dry
- Modele: [IS-11, IS-10]
Pressure transmitter, intrinsically safe (ATEX)
- Modele: [LH-20]
Safety instructions ATEX
- Modele: [DPT-20]
Nadajnik różnicy ciśnień, PROFIBUS® PA
- Modele: [BLM, FLM-S, FLM-T, FLM-P]
- Modele: [A2G-500, A2G-520, A2G-540]
Differential pressure sensor, Differential pressure air flow sensor, Differential pressure air flow controller
- Modele: [WU-20, WU-25, WU-26]
Ultra high purity transducer
- Modele: [A2G-70]
Ventilation duct sensor for relative humidity and temperature
- Modele: [GIR-10]
Gas detector
- Modele: [SL-1]
Pressure transmitter for low pressure applications
- Modele: [TR10-0, TC10-0]
Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, ignition protection type flameproof enclosure Ex d (ATEX, IECEx)
- Modele: [TR10-0, TC10-0]
Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, FP (Ex d) and XP (class/division) – FM/CSA
- Modele: [HLS-S, HLS-P]
- Modele: [TF-LCD]
Longlife digital thermometer
- Modele: [CPT2500]
Configuration and Evaluation Software USBsoft2500
- Modele: [TC52-M]
Magnetic surface thermocouple for high temperatures
- Modele: [F3203]
Bending beam
- Modele: [CPT2500]
Multi-Kanalsoftware USB ScanSoft
- Modele: [FSM-6100]
Przełącznik przepływu
- Modele: []
- Modele: [E-10, E-11]
Pressure transmitter (FM, CSA)
- Modele: [PGW23.100, PGW26.100]
Special documentation for LPWAN communication protocol
- Modele: [LH-20]
Safety instructions DNV
- Modele: [BGU]
Bypass magnetic switch, Ex i (ATEX)
- Modele: [CPP10-H]
Pneumatic hand test pump, to 10 bar [145 psi]
- Modele: [FLC-UFL]
Ultrasonic Flowmeter FLC-UFL Series
- Modele: [FLC-UFL]
Ultrasonic Flow Meter
- Modele: [FLC-UFL]
Quickstart Manual
- Modele: [342.11, 332.30, 333.30, 312.20, 332.50, 333.50, 311.11, 331.11, 332.11]
Test gauge, model 3
- Modele: [TC47-AC, TC47-UB, TC47-FB, TC47-MB]
Thermocouples for the plastics industry
- Modele: [BLR]
Reed sensor for bypass level indicators (ATEX, Ex i)
- Modele: [F1811, F1814, F1818, F1821, F1848]
Compression force transducer, models F1811, F1814, F1818, F1821, F1848
- Modele: [MH-4-CAN]
OEM Pressure sensor
- Modele: [MH-4-CAN]
Special documentation for SAE J1939
- Modele: [MH-4-CAN]
Special documentation for CANopen
- Modele: [T16]
Digital temperature transmitter (EAC)
- Modele: [TRU]
Miniature resistance thermometer
- Modele: [FLC-406]
- Modele: [MHC-1]
Pressure transmitter for mobile hydraulic applications
Przepływomierze różnicowo-ciśnieniowe
- Modele: [PEU-20, PEU-21]
Pressure transmitter for connection to WIKA radio unit
- Modele: [FLC-608]
Electromagnetic flow meter FLC-608 converter
- Modele: [CTP1500]
Digital thermometer, with display in the handle
- Modele: [632.50, 633.50]
Capsule pressure gauge, stainless steel per ATEX
- Modele: [F5301, F53C1, F5308, F53C8, F53S8]
Load pin with thin-film technology from 5 kN
- Modele: [HPNV]
Installation, operation and maintenance
- Modele: [910.70]
Indicator for panel mounting
- Modele: [ACS-10]
Calibration system for gas density instrumentation
- Modele: [GDM-RC-100-T]
Hybrid gas density monitor with reference chamber
- Modele: [CPG1200]
Digital pressure gauge
- Modele: [CPT-20, CPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, 4 ... 20 mA
- Modele: [DPT-EL, CPT-20, CPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, secondary sensor, SIL
- Modele: [DPT-EL, CPT-20, CPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, secondary sensor
- Modele: [CPT-20, CPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, Foundation Fieldbus
- Modele: [MTF-1]
Pressure sensor module
- Modele: [TC84, TC83, TC82, TC80]
High-temperature thermocouples
- Modele: [CTB9600]
Calibration bath, stationary version with high stability
- Modele: [CPP1200-X]
Hydraulic comparison test pump
- Modele: [NETRIS®3]
WIKA-Funkeinheit mit LoRaWAN® for WIKA measuring instruments
- Modele: [FLR-S, FLR-P, FLR-H]
Level transmitter / level sensor with reed measuring chain (ATEX, Ex i)
- Modele: [TR10-L]
Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, type of explosion protection - "flameproof enclosure", Ex d (INMETRO)
- Modele: [FSD-4]
Przełącznik przepływu
- Modele: [T24]
- Modele: [B1940]
Analogue cable amplifier
- Modele: [DPT-20]
Nadajnik różnicy ciśnień, 4 ... 20 mA
- Modele: [CPT2500]
Pressure sensor with USB adapter CPA2500 and USB-ScanSoft
- Modele: [T32.xS]
Temperature transmitter (INMETRO)
- Modele: [GD-20-W]
Special Documentation, LoRaWAN® communication protocol
- Modele: [T38]
Cyfrowy przetwornik temperatury
- Modele: [CPH6200, CTH6200, CPH62I0]
Interface adapter, model USB6200
- Modele: [131.11]
Bourdon tube pressure gauge model 131.11 + Option ATEX, NS 40 [1 ½"], 50 [2"], 63 [2 ½"]
- Modele: [OLS-2, OSA-SC]
Optical level swtiches, switch amplifier
- Modele: [TF-2000]
Cable temperature probe
- Modele: [A2G-85]
Ventilation duct sensor for CO2 and temperature
- Modele: [FLM-CA, FLM-CM]
Magnetostrictive level transmitter
- Modele: [NETRIS®1]
WIKA radio unit
- Modele: [DMSU21SA]
Diaphragm monitoring system with HART® protocol, for sanitary applications
- Modele: [FLS]
Magnetic float switch AL-ADF Ex d
- Modele: [F6171, F6160, F6148, F6137]
Hydraulic ring force transducers, geotechnical version
- Modele: [IPT-20, IPT-21, DPT-20]
Moduł wyświetlający i obsługowy
- Modele: [PGU23.100, PGU26.100]
Bourdon tube pressure gauge for connection to WIKA radio unit, models PGU23.100 and PGU26.100
- Modele: [T32.xS]
Temperature transmitter (EAC)
- Modele: [LH-20]
High-performance submersible pressure transmitter
- Modele: [SC15]
Combistat, mechanical temperature regulator
- Modele: [OLS-C20]
Optoelectronic level switch
- Modele: [HLS-S, HLS-P]
Magnetic float switch H...-EX
- Modele: [RLS-8000, RLS-7000]
OEM float switch, miniature design
- Modele: [CPH6300]
Interface adapter, model USB6300
- Modele: [BLR, FLR-S, FLR-P, FLR-H]
Level sensor reed AF-ADF, AVK-ADF Ex d
- Modele: [TLS-S, TLS-H, TLS-C]
Vibrating level switches
- Modele: [CPH65I0]
Intrinsically safe hand-held pressure calibrator
- Modele: [GDM-100-T]
Hybrid gas density monitor
- Modele: [UTN]
Top-mounted level indicator Ex (EAC)
- Modele: [TC10-W, TR10-W]
Resistance thermometer and thermocouple, ignition protection type Ex d flameproof enclosure per 94/9/EC (ATEX)
- Modele: [TSD-30]
Elektroniczny przełącznik temperatury z wyświetlaczem
- Modele: [TGS73, TGS55]
Thermometers with inductive contacts 831, for hazardous areas
- Modele: [DMSU22SA]
In-line process transmitter, hygienic design
- Modele: [GD-20-W]
Gas density sensor with wireless LoRaWAN®, output signal
Magnetostrictive level transmitter for hazardous areas (ATEX)
- Modele: [iWU-20, iWU-25, iWU-26]
Ultra High Purity Transducer
- Modele: [BZG]
Komora zewnętrzna
- Modele: [F2802, F2808]
Tension/compression force transducer S-type
- Modele: [116.18.02x]
Pressure gauges DirectDrive version, miniature nominal sizes
- Modele: [NETRIS®2]
Radio unit with LoRaWAN®
- Modele: [CPD8500]
- Modele: [PG81, PG91]
Pressure gauges DirectDrive version
- Modele: [BGU]
Magnetic switch for BNA, Ex d (ATEX)
- Modele: [F1201]
Compression force transducer
- Modele: [T15]
Digital temperature transmitter (EAC)
- Modele: [TIF11]
Field case for temperature transmitter
- Modele: [CPT-20, CPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, 4 ... 20 mA, HART®, SIL
- Modele: [CPT-20, CPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, Profibus PA
- Modele: [CPT-20, CPT-21]
Nadajnik ciśnienia technologicznego, 4 ... 20 mA, HART®
- Modele: [TC47-NT, TC47-MT, TC47-AB, TC47-RL]
Thermocouples for the plastics industry
- Modele: [GCS-1]
Gas Cylinder Scale
- Modele: [WUD-20, WUD-25, WUD-26]
Ultra High Purity Pressure transducer and integrated display with optional alarm contacts
- Modele: [F3201]
Shear beam
- Modele: [TG58SA]
Bimetal thermometer for sanitary applications
- Modele: [A2G-200]
Control panel with integrated room sensor
- Modele: [FSM-BSV]
Flow switch
- Modele: [DPT-20]
Nadajnik różnicy ciśnień, FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus
- Modele: [55]
Bimetal thermometer for hazardous areas (EAC)
- Modele: [A2G-FM]
Measuring probe
- Modele: [FLRU-SFI]
Reed level transmitter for connection to WIKA radio unit
- Modele: [DW03UN]
Differential pressure switches
- Modele: [TR36]
Threaded resistance thermometer
- Modele: [TR10-0, TC10-L, TR10-L, TC10-0]
Resistance thermometer and thermouple, type of explosion protection - “flameproof enclosure”, Ex d (EAC)
- Modele: [116.15, 116.18.036, 116.18.041]
Pressure gauges DirectDrive version
- Modele: [E-10, E-11]
Pressure transmitter (INMETRO)
- Modele: [CPC3050]
- Modele: [TC59-T]
TEFRACTO-PAD® tubeskin thermocouple assembly
- Modele: [FLS]
Float switch Ex i (ATEX)
- Modele: [OLS-S, OLS-H]
Optoelectronic level switch (Ex)
- Modele: [LS-1000]
Submersible pressure sensor
- Modele: [CPB3500]
Dead-weight tester, pneumatic version, vacuum to 120 bar [1,600 lb/in²]
- Modele: [PG28]
Bourdon tube pressure gauge, Hastelloy
- Modele: [A2G-80]
Air quality sensor VOC
- Modele: [A2G-55]
ECO differential pressure transmitter
- Modele: [A2G-30]
Inclined tube manometer
- Modele: [TGT73]
Gas-actuated thermometer with electrical output signal for hazardous areas (ATEX, IECEx)
- Modele: [CTD9350, CTM9350-165]
Dry-well temperature calibrator and multi-function calibrator
- Modele: [TC46]
Hot runner thermocouple
- Modele: [TC96-R]
Informacje na temat bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego
- Modele: [TGU73.100]
Gas-actuated thermometer for connection to WIKA radio unit
- Modele: [FSFD]
Flow switch for wet sprinkler systems, with adjustable time delay
- Modele: [DPT-20]
Nadajnik różnicy ciśnień, 4 ... 20 mA, HART®, SIL
- Modele: [DPT-20]
Nadajnik różnicy ciśnień, 4 ... 20 mA, HART®
- Modele: [TC59-E]
Tubeskin thermocouple assembly, eTEFRACTO-PAD
- Modele: [DSSA11SA]
Compact diaphragm seal system, hygienic design, with IO-Link and switching outputs
- Modele: [IVM]
Monoflange, process and instrument version
- Modele: [HLS-M]
Float switch for horizontal installation
- Modele: [FLC-2300, FLC-1222, FLC-2770, FLC-2200EL, FLC-2660]
Electromagnetic flow meters sensor bodies
- Modele: [WUD-20-E, WUD-25-E, WUD-26-E]
Ultra high purity transducer with display, EtherCAT®
- Modele: [PGW23.100, PGW26.100]
Bourdon tube pressure gauge with wireless output signal
- Modele: [TRW]
Miniature resistance thermometer with wireless transmission
- Modele: [OTMT84, OTMT85]
Temperature transmitter, model OTMT85
- Modele: [IBF1, IBS3, IBJ4, IBF2, IBF3, IBM2, IBM3]
Monoblock with flange or threaded connection
- Modele: [PMT10]
OEM pressure sensor
- Modele: [CTR3000]
Software license information
- Modele: [CPG1500]
DIPS (Diaphragm Impact Protection System)
- Modele: [TIF11]
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i and Ex d
- Modele: [990.45]
Diaphragm seal, high-temperature version
- Modele: [TR95, TC95, TR60, TR50, TC50, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR20, TR55, TR81, TC81, TC90, TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TR40, TR53, TC53, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-J, TC10-C, TR10-F, TR10-H, TC59-V, TC59-W, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR10-K, TR22-B, TR22-A, TR25, TC10-K, TR41, TC55, TC40]
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex n, Ex e, Ex t (ATEX, IECEx)
- Modele: [FLR-F]
Functional test of Reed/resistor sensor chains
- Modele: [TC82, TC83]
Additional operating instructions for installation
- Modele: [TC82, TC83]
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex d (ATEX, IECEx)
- Modele: [TR95, TC95, TR60, TR50, TC50, TR10-C, TR10-D, TR20, TR55, TR81, TC81, TC90, TC10-A, TC10-B, TC10-D, TC10-F, TC10-H, TR40, TR53, TC53, TR10-A, TR10-B, TR10-J, TC10-C, TR10-F, TR10-H, TR11-A, TR11-C, TR10-K, TR22-B, TR22-A, TC55, TC40]
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (EAC)
- Modele: [TR12-B, TR12-M, TC12-B, TC12-M]
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex d (EAC)
- Modele: [LF-1]
Additional information for hazardous areas
- Modele: [UPT-20, UPT-21]
Additional information for process transmitters in high-pressure version
- Modele: [F2301, F23C1, F23S1, F3301, F33C1, F33S1, F5301, F53C1, F5308, F53C8, F53S8, F7301, F73C1, F73S1, F9304, F93C4]
Force products in hazardous areas
- Modele: [232.30, 233.30, 262.50, 263.50, 262.30, 263.30]
For EMICOgauge
- Modele: [OTMT84, OTMT85]
Safety instructions (ATEX, IECEx)
- Modele: [UPT-20, UPT-21]
Additional information for hazardous areas (ATEX, IECEx)
- Modele: [FLC-UFL]
Ultrasonic Flowmeter FLC-UFL Series
- Modele: [TC82, TC83]
Additional operating instructions for hazardous areas (Ex i)
- Modele: [T38]
Additional operating instructions for hazardous areas
- Modele: [CPG1500]
Additional operating instructions for hazardous areas (Ex i)
- Modele: [TR12-A, TR12-B, TR12-M, TC12-B, TC12-M]
Dodatkowe wskazówki dotyczące stosowania w obszarach zagrożenia (Ex d, Ex t)
- Modele: [TG58SA]
Additional operating instructions for hazardous areas
- Modele: [DSSA11SA]
Additional information IO-Link for model DSSA11SA
- Modele: [MPR-1, MTF-1]
- Modele: [NETRIS®1, TRW, CPG1200, CPG1500, GDI-100-D]
Additional operating instructions for radio frequencies, Bluetooth®
- Modele: [NETRIS®1, NETRIS®3, PGW23.100, PGW26.100, NETRIS®2, TRW, GD-20-W]
Additional operating instructions for radio frequencies, LoRaWAN® and mioty®
- Modele: [TR12-B, TR12-M, TC12-A, TC12-B, TC12-M]
Additional information for hazardous areas, Ex i (ATEX)
- Modele: [CPG1500]
Additional operating instructions for hazardous areas, Ex i (INMETRO)
- Modele: [CPC3050, CPC4000, CPC6050]
- Modele: [T38]
Information on functional safety
- Modele: [IS-3]
Safety-related data
- Modele: [DPT-20]
Safety manual
- Modele: [PSD-30, PSD-31, PSA-31]
Additional information for IO-Link devices
- Modele: [A-1200]
Additional information for IO-Link devices (kgcm2)
- Modele: [A-1200]
Additional information for IO-Link devices (bar, kPa, MPa)
- Modele: [A-1200]
Additional information for IO-Link devices (psi)
- Modele: [PSD-4]
Additional information for IO-Link devices (bar, KPa, MPa)
- Modele: [PSD-4]
Additional information for IO-Link devices (kgcm2)
- Modele: [PSD-4]
Additional information for IO-Link devices (psi)
- Modele: [PSD-4-ECO]
Additional information for IO-Link devices (psi)
- Modele: [PSD-4-ECO]
Additional information for IO-Link devices (kgcm2)
- Modele: [PSD-4-ECO]
Additional information for IO-Link devices (bar, kPa, MPa)
- Modele: [981.51, 981.10, 981.18, 981.19, 981.20, 981.21, 981.27, 981.22, 981.52, 981.53]
Marking of in-line diaphragm seals, maximum allowable pressure PS, materials
- Modele: [F5301, F53C1, F2301, F23C1, F23S1, F9304, F93C4, F2303, F2304, F3301, F33C1, F33S1, F7301, F73C1, F73S1, F5308, F53C8, F53S8, TWLMS]
Force sensors with CANopen interface
- Modele: [TC12-B, TC12-M, TR40, TR10-B, TC10-H, TC10-B, TR10-L, TC50, TC10-L, TR10-H, TR12-B, TR12-M, TR50, TC40]
Notes on the use of electrical thermometers in low ambient temperatures
- Modele: [NETRIS®1]
Special Documentation for LPWAN communication protocol
- Modele: [NETRIS®1]
Special Documentation for BLE communication protocol
- Modele: [PGU23.100, PGU26.100]
LoRaWAN® communication specification
- Modele: [WUD-20-E, WUD-25-E, WUD-26-E]
Special Documentation for EtherCAT®
- Modele: [FLRU-SFI]
Special documentation for LoRaWAN® communication protocol
- Modele: [TGU73.100]
Special documentation for LoRaWAN® communication protocol
- Modele: [TRU]
Special documentation for LoRaWAN® communication protocol
- Modele: [TRW]
Special Documentation for BLE communication protocol
- Modele: [TRW]
Special Documentation for LPWAN communication protocol
- Modele: [NETRIS®2]
Special Documentation for LPWAN communication protocol
- Modele: [PEU-20, PEU-21]
Special documentation for LoRaWAN® communication protocol
- Modele: [TR55, TR10-H, TC10-H]
Mounting for spring-loaded compression fitting