A dead weight tester, also known as a pressure balance, or piston gauge, is a measuring instrument that can be used to determine pressure extremely accurately. As pressure = force/area (p=F/A), a deadweight tester operates on the principle of generating force using physical weights on top of a finely machined piston cylinder system. Pressure balances are used as reference devices for testing, calibrating or adjusting mechanical or electronic measuring instruments. WIKA dead weight testers have a measuring accuracy of 0.05 % up to 0.005 % with measuring ranges from -1 to 6,000 bar. A distinction is made between hydraulic dead weight testers, such as the model CPB5800 and pneumatic dead weight testers, like the model CPB3500.
Hydraulic dead weight testers or pressure balances use mineral oil or sebacate oil as the pressure transmission medium.
Pneumatic dead weight testers work on the basis of clean, dry, non-corrosive gases, such as air or nitrogen.
Generally, it is recommended that dead weight testers be calibrated every five years. For more information on mobile calibration service at WIKA, visit the Calibration and Service Center section of our website.
How do I get the WIKA Build ID?
In most cases, the WIKA Build ID is available on request. The ID can be requested in all accessible online configurators. The ID can be created in the “Configuration” tab using “Share Configuration”.
What is the Kn factor?
All piston-cylinder units and masses which can be mounted on DH Budenberg pressure balances are built around a nominal mass-to-pressure conversion coefficient, Kn. The nominal effective area of each piston-cylinder size is such that, under standard ...