Service equipment

Service equipment for installations and corrective maintenance

Filling and handling equipment for SF6 gas are the central tools for the maintenance of gas-insulated equipment. For both installation and maintenance, WIKA supplies the complete product spectrum of efficient service equipment, starting from simple filling carts up to complex, fully automated all-in-one solutions. Furthermore, the instruments support the plant operator with the recording of the SF6 gas volumes and emissions, as is prescribed in the F-gas regulation (EU), No. 517/2014, for specified equipment.


Why must special equipment be used for SF6 gas?

SF6 gas is a climate-damaging greenhouse gas. 1 kg of SF6 gas corresponds to approx. 23 tonnes of CO2. For this reason, leakage into the atmosphere must be avoided and the use of special equipment is mandatory. Due to the design and the special sel ...


Why are “oil-less” compressors recommended?

“Oil-less” compressors are recommended to prevent lubricant particles etc. from entering the SF6 circuit, which in some applications, even in small amounts, can cause technical problems. All WIKA gas handling equipment uses only “oil-less” compress ...
