WIKA Romania

WIKA Instruments Romania SRL has an experience of 10 years on the Romanian market. We deliver calibration and measurement instruments to various applications as nuclear power plants, chemical and petrochemical plants, gas and oil companies, power plants, automotive and many others.

Our calibration instruments are used by regional and national metrological laboratories as working and primary etalons. WIKA instruments Romania SRL has become one of the most important and reliable instrumentation providers in Romania.

Contact form

Do you have any questions, wishes or suggestions about our products or solutions? Simply use the following form. We will be pleased to help you!

Account information

Account information

Bank Unicredit Tiriac Bank Account number RON: RO04 BACX 0000 0000 3794 3250 Account number EURO: RO54 BACX 0000 0000 3794 3320 Swift: BACXROBU