WIKA Denmark

Training courses - EC certification

From experts for experts

Due to the strong climatic impact, responsible and sustainable handling of SF6 gas is an important topic worldwide, on which there is a need for action to eliminate emissions. In the training, WIKA will inform you about the applicable regulations coupled with practical knowledge for the selection and operation of the right equipment. The theoretical content is complemented by demonstrations and practical exercises.

SF6 proof of competence

EU regulation (EU) 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases (generally known as the “F-gas regulation”) stipulates training measures for personnel who carry out work in connection with SF6 gas. In particular, these include:

  • Installation, service, maintenance, repair or shutdown of gas-insulated electrical switchgear
  • Performing leak testing on plants that fall under the “F-gas regulation”
  • Recovery of SF6 gas

Aim of the training

The aim of the training is to enable the personnel involved to act responsibly in their work with strong greenhouse gases and to avoid emissions through flawed gas handling.

Our training programme

As a recognised testing and certification body, WIKA offers competence training with completion testing, so personnel can be certified across all of Europe. The testing is carried out in accordance with the (EU) 517/2014, (EU) 2015/2066 European regulations as well as the chemicals climate protection regulation. The training is offered in German and English language. For group registrations from five people upwards, other dates are possible on request.

  • Place: Training centre in Klingenberg am Main
  • Time: Two days, 9 am - 5 pm
  • Fee: 950 € per participant (catering during the training included)