WIKA Denmark

Service for diaphragm seal systems

Replacement, repair & optimisation

WIKA offers you a profitable service both for its own diaphragm seal systems and also for those from other recognised manufacturers.

Diaphragm seal systems are used for demanding measuring requirements with extreme medium temperatures of -90 °C up to +400 °C in the process industry. The diaphragm seal assemblies protect the measuring instrument from aggressive, corrosive, heterogeneous, abrasive, highly viscous or toxic media.

With this service, the total costs of the diaphragm seal system can be clearly lowered. In this way, the service life of the measuring instrument can be fully utilised and only the diaphragm seal assembly needs replacement or repair, preventatively or after failure. With preventive maintenance, scheduled in line with planned shutdowns to your plant, you can reduce downtimes.

Service can be done both on a mounted process transmitter as well as on a mechanical measuring instrument. Depending on the application case, the service life of the process transmitter is longer than that of the wetted parts. Therefore, only in rare cases must defective diaphragm seal systems be replaced completely, i.e. including the process transmitter. By re-using the process transmitter, WIKA offers a service package with clear cost savings.

With the replacement service, through the exchange of the diaphragm seal, the TCO (total cost of ownership) of the measuring location can be reduced considerably.

Your benefits

  • Cost saving
  • Fast availability
  • New calibration of the system
  • Current material certificate
  • Process transmitter check

Repair services worldwide

With our local service centres and experienced teams WIKA offers services according to local requierements.

For more information as well as contact details please visit the local website for your country.

Locations × Europe




North America

North America

North America


Latin America

Latin America

Latin America


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Location Latin America
Location Latin America
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Location Asia
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Location Africa
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Location Oceania
Location North America
Location North America