WIKA Denmark

Materials and leak testing


What is meant by material testing?

A material test examines the properties and quality of a material and examines whether it is suitable for the intended purpose. Various test methods are available to ensure materials meet the required standards and specifications.

How is the degree of leak tightness of a measuring instrument determined?

In addition to the relevant standards, the specific application requirements determine the degree of leak tightness of an individual measuring instrument or a multi-part measuring arrangement. Based on these, the acceptable leakage rate, pressurisation level and the leak detection methods are defined.Based on these, the acceptable leakage rate, pressurisation level and the leak detection methods are defined.

Which test methods are used at WIKA?

WIKA is able to ensure the suitability of the respective products for the application with a series of performance tests in the company's own testing facilities.

  • Dye penetrant test
  • X-ray test
  • Helium leak test
  • Ultrasonic test
  • PMI test
  • Pressure / stability tests