WIKA Denmark

Calibration of measuring instruments

Product quality, operational safety and cost effectiveness relate directly to an accurate and reliable registration of the process variables. For the calibration of measuring instruments at WIKA you will find a wide range of calibration instruments and our calibration service:

Calibration instruments for the calibration of measuring instruments

WIKA offers a wide product portfolio of calibration instruments for the calibration of your measuring instrument in all accuracy classes, from a simple hand-held instrument to a primary standard, all with different levels of automation. A large number of patents ensure unmatched performance characteristics. We use the calibration instruments from WIKA in our own production and our accredited laboratories.

With a calibration instrument from WIKA, pressure measuring instruments from -1 … 10,000 bar (-14.50 ... 145,037.74 psi) can be calibrated at an accuracy of 0.003 % of reading. With the calibration instruments for temperature, calibration of your temperature measuring instrument is possible in the range of -196 … +1,600 °C / -320.8 ... 2,912 °F (control range -55 … +1,100 °C / -67 ... 2,012 °F). In our product portfolio of calibration instruments for electrical measurands you can find, among others, process calibrators, multi-function calibrators and standard reference resistors. In addition, for the measurand of length, we offer the calibration of both your measuring test equipment and reference gauges.

How to calibrate a pressure gauge?

Calibration means the determination of the deviation of a measuring device in comparison to a reference device that measures extremely accurately. The calibration of a pressure gauge is performed with the use of a reference measuring device. By comparing the pressure gauge with the extremely accurate reference instrument, deviations can be detected. When performing the calibration, the entire measuring range is taken into consideration, thus the zero point as well as the intermediate and final values are checked. If the deviation is within the manufacturer's specifications, the pressure gauge receives the calibration certificate.

This process is to be distinguished from the adjustment. Adjustment is performed when the deviation of the calibration is too large, therefore does not match the manufacturer's specifications.

Our calibration service for the calibration of your measuring instrument

In our accredited DKD/DAkkS calibration laboratory, we calibrate your measuring instruments in the following calibration range:

  • Pressure measuring instruments: -1 … 10,000 bar (-14.50 ... 145,037.74 psi) at an accuracy of 0.003 … 0.01 % of reading, depending on the pressure range
  • Force measuring instruments: 1 kN … 200 kN and 500 N … 6 MN, in both tension and compression force direction
  • Temperature measuring instruments: -196 … 1,600 °C (-320.8 ... 2,912 °F)
  • DC current: 0 mA … 100 mA
  • DC voltage: 0 V … 100 V
  • DC resistance: 0 Ω … 10 kΩ

For the calibration of your measuring instrument we additionally offer

  • Collect and return service: We can transport your measuring and calibration instruments safely, reliably and without risk
  • Rental and lend service: Simply rent the calibration instrument required for the calibration of your measuring instrument
  • Seminars & Training: Expand your know-how and bring your practical knowledge up to date

What is the German Calibration Service (DKD)?

In accordance with the Units and Time Act (EinheitZeitG), the PTB is responsible for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. This includes, in particular, the propagation of the units of measure within the meaning of measurement technology traceabi ...
