WIKA Denmark

WIKA systems and services for leak testing


With which test methods are the leak tightness of components measured?

In order to ensure the leak tightness of components during or at the end of production, the DIN EN 1779 standard prescribes various test methods. The choice depends on the leakage rate to be achieved. If the values of this dimension are very small, the proof of leak tightness is carried out with a tracer fluid such as helium. Frequently used test methods of this type, in accordance with DIN EN 1779 are (mentioned are the leakage rates which can be reliably implemented in series production):

  • B3 helium accumulation test, detection limit up to 10-5 mbar · l/s
  • B6 helium vacuum test (external), detection limit up to 10-8 mbar · l/s
  • B4 helium sniffing test, detection limit up to 10-5 mbar · l/s

With helium leak tests, detection limits of up to 10-9 mbar · l/s can be achieved under ideal conditions.

Which systems and what services does WIKA offer in the field of leak testing?

WIKA uses systems it has developed in-house for leak testing both in series production and in the test laboratories. Customers can take advantage of this long-standing expertise in two ways:

  • WIKA builds tailor-made test systems with field-tested functional safety on behalf of customers. In addition to the design of complete test systems, special processes, such as leak tests in individual test cells, are integrated into existing or planned customer systems.
  • WIKA offers leak tests in accordance with DIN EN 1779 as a service, also for individual items. The service includes, among other things, tests using the pressure decay method and also the pressure increase method in addition to the three helium tests.