WIKA is elected member of the Digital Data Chain Consortium (DDCC)

As a member of the DDCC, which brings together manufacturers of components, systems, plants and plant operators, WIKA has its finger on the pulse of digitalisation and develops solution concepts for an intelligently networked industry.

The DDCC aims to advance three defined Industry 4.0 technologies: firstly, the automatic identification of physical objects (IEC 61406) using a globally unique serial number, which is read in via a QR code, for example; secondly, digital manufacturer’s information (VDI 2770) such as the product specification and documentation; and thirdly, digital information exchange platforms for providing the current data for a clearly defined object.

These technologies are also intended to contribute to meeting the system requirements of the “Digital Product Passport” (DPP), which will be introduced in the EU in the medium term. The DDCC activities are supported by important industry associations such as ZVEI, VDMA and NAMUR.

For WIKA, the topic is an important building block for developing further innovative IIoT solutions for its global customers. For further details, also see: www.digitaldatachain.com.

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Keyword: DDCC

Andrea Suhrcke
Andrea Suhrcke
Contact person - Editorial team
Alexander Wiegand Straße 30
63911 Klingenberg
+49 9372 132-8031 https://www.wika.de [email protected] vCard